

  • PUBLIC PROCUREMENT – a significant area of economic activity, worth 42 billion HRK per year
  • COMPANY LAW – area of law on which entrepreneurship is based on and on which basis it exists. It is also area of law on which development of the entire economy is based on
  • TRADE AGREEMENTS – in addition of achieving the goal, a good trade agreement reduces risks to the lowest possible extent
  • EU LAW – knowledge of the EU acquis has become a “conditio sine qua non”
  • REPRESENTATION – as a legal concept of realizing the client’s interest
  • CONSULTATION AND LEGAL OPINIONS – having all informations is crucial for making of the final decision on a business venture


Public procurement is permeated by complex and exceptionally formal rules defined by the Public Procurement Act, by-laws, practice of the State Commission for Control of Public Procurement Procedures (DKOM), the practice of administrative courts and the High Administrative Court. When it comes to public procurement of works, goods or services that is co-financed by EU funds, it becomes even more complicated with all the guidelines and rules of the European Union institutions, the guidelines of the agencies in the Republic of Croatia, the audit findings of the European Commission, OLAF etc.


We have significant experience in public procurement procedures, especially in infrastructure projects co-financed by EU funds. We offer legal advices and services:


For Clients:

  • Preparation of procurement documentation, ex ante control, conduct of procedures, ex post control
  • Representing the Client in Appeal process in front of the State Commission for Control of Public Procurement Procedures
  • Representing the Client in case when the financial corrections have been imposed, ie when the Decision on irregularities has been imposed by the PT2 in projects co-financed by the EU
  • initiation of administrative disputes against the decision of the governing body in projects co-financed by the EU


EXPERIENCE: our references are completed public procurement procedures worth over one billion HRK and over 20 ongoing public procurement procedures of similar value. We are involved in some of the largest infrastructure projects in the Republic of Croatia.


For Bidders:

  • representation of Bidders in appeal procedure in front of the State Commission for Control of Public Procurement Procedures
  • analysis of procurement documentation, legal counseling in preparatory bids, etc.


EXPERIENCE: our references are representation of Bidders in 40 appeal procedures, worth over 4 billion HRK.


Bad agreement can jeopardize even the best job and just as bad marriage, it is full of fraud and distrust with a bitter ending. For that reason, an agreement with only regulatory provisions will fulfill its aim. With such approach and clear procedures in potentially controversial situations, risks can be assumed and timely remedied and the expected effects can be realized.


We have the knowledge and experience in advising and drafting trade agreements, designing the structure of contractual relations, especially in the construction sector, of which we emphasize:


  • contract on the construction or making of special conditions of the FIDIC contract (Red Book and Red Book – MDB edition, yellow book, green book, silver book, contract model for consultants and all other issues) with well-defined warranty clauses
  • R & D contracts
  • contracts for founding of an consortium, joint venture, etc.
  • payment security instruments (super guarantees, contraguarantees, guarantees …) – they must be an essential ingredient of each transaction
  • standstill agreements
  • purchase, lease, loans, syndicated loans
  • management agreements
  • Escrow account
  • counseling and legal follow-up through the drafting of contacts related to the project investing
  • counseling related to the field of competition law (prohibited agreements between undertakings, abuse of dominant position)


Company law and status issues are the functioning base of each company. Our services are related to legal services in the process of takeovers, mergers, affiliations, transformations, transferring of the economic entity and all other company status changes, legal due diligence, takeover bids, legal counseling in IPO procedures, counseling regarding concentration formation (acquisition of control) etc..


On the same basis, we provide legal counseling services in crisis situations initiated by various causes.


We provide legal counseling related to compliance with EU legislation – regulations and directives, interpretation of certain provisions and institutes as well as legal advice regarding the provisions of the acquis communautaire in the field of competition law (prohibited agreements between undertakings, abuse of dominant position, etc.).


There are various ways of representing clients. In case of a dispute, through arbitration process and procedures in front of the courts, achieving of business relationship goals is ensured. With our skills, communication abilities, knowledge in the field of action, high quality submissions, we provide our clients desired results. On the same basis, we provide representation services in front of agencies and regulatory bodies on all basis.


Good legal advice and correct information is a key for making a final decision. This minimizes certain financial risks and ensures achievement of business goals. This is especially true in the case of investment projects. Legal opinion can be instruction for further handling and in certain cases even imperative for the accurate action or procedure.


We make legal opinions on the basis of knowledge gained in postgraduate studies, which is complemented by personal experience on numerous projects.